Types Of Window Air Conditioners

There are many different varieties of window air conditioners. There are the standard window models, thru-wall, low-profile, and casement/slider window units, all in which are made to fit differently within the windows opening. If you would like to be more knowledgeable of the types of window air conditioners available, here is a brief description of each.

Standard Window Air Conditioner

This is the most common model out of all the types of window air conditioners. It is easily placed in a window for usage in the warmer months. Usually the unit is removed during the cooler seasons to avoid drafts coming in through the sides of the unit. However, some people purchase window units that are capable of heating a room, this allows them to keep them placed in the window all year round.


A thru-wall window air conditioner is one that is placed within a hole cut out off an outer or exterior wall. This will allow for permanent placement through-out all seasons. It is also one of the only options for rooms without windows when central air is not an option. Most all thru-wall models can also be used as a window unit.


Low-profile window units are smaller and more compact than other window models. They are usually not very high in BTU, ranging around 5000-8000. They are known to be a little quieter than the standard model and most people want them because they aren’t as big of an eye sore. They won’t obstruct the entire view from your window.


Casement/slider window air conditioners are made for vertical windows that either slide or push open due to being hinged on one side. No other window units will work in such windows. There aren’t a lot of these models to choose from but they are available by major names in the air conditioning industry.

These are the basic types of window air conditioners. Not only are there a variety of types but there even more brands, models, and styles to choose from and all of them come with an array of different features, functions, and capacities. It is important to know what you are looking for in a window air conditioner before you go out shopping for one. You should know the price range you are capable of spending on a unit as well as the amount of BTU you need to cool your space. You must know the right amount of BTU you need otherwise it could break your unit or not cool your room properly. It is also helpful to know what types of features and functions you expect from a window air conditioner. There are so many options. Many air conditioners are Energy Star rated which means that they are energy efficient. These models will save you money and help the environment. Above all, when beginning your search for a window unit, start off by knowing what type you need for your window. Good luck!

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